Horizons Bible Study takes its name from the study materials published by Presbyterian Women in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), Inc. Each year, there is a new set of study materials available, including a Study Guide for each participant and a Video Resource for use by each Study Group. The St. John’s Horizons Study Group meets in-person at the church, usually in the Campbell Reception Room, on the the third Thursday of most months. We gather at noon, for a brown bag lunch we each bring for ourselves, followed by discussion of the lesson materials for that month. Participants are also welcome to join the monthly meeting by Zoom.
For more information, please email us at sjoffice@stjohnsberkeley.org.
Within the pages of this study, Olive Mahabir invites you to consider Jesus and Jesus’ disciples who shared the Good News through sacred encounters with everyday people.
The Gospel According to Luke and the book of the Acts of the Apostles, or Luke-Acts, “one story in two parts,” demonstrate the unfolding of God’s redemptive purposes in human history and present a distinctive perspective on the person and work of Jesus Christ. Written by Luke, a physician and traveling companion of Paul, the message to the early Christian community (and to us) is radical, inclusive, and hope-filled.

Click here for a History of PW Bible Studies, 1979 to the present
Download a catalog of the encore Bible studies available to purchase.