2nd Sunday of Advent, December 8, 2024
Come as you are! Everyone welcome!

Luke 1:76-79, Proverbs 1, Malachi 3:1-4, Philippians 1:3-11, Luke 3:1-6
“ Make Straight the Paths of the Lord” by The Reverend Dr. Max Lynn
PRELUDE … “L’Annonciation from Suite Mariale” Paul de Maleingreau (1887-1956)
INTROIT … “Alma Redemptoris Mater” (Loving Mother of Our Redeemer) Francesco Soriano (1549-1621)
HYMN … “To a Maid Engaged to Joseph”
ANTHEM … “Mary, Did You Know?” Mark Lowry (b. 1958) and Buddy Greene (b. 1953)
HYMN … “Savior of the Nations, Come”
OFFERTORY … ““Offertoire sur des Nöels” Léon Boëllmann (1862-1897)
HYMN … “The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came”
POSTLUDE … “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland” J.S. Bach (1685-1750)
Join us for Coffee Hour immediately after the service.
____________ COMING SOON:

Children’s Christmas Pageant
December 15, 2024
The children of St. John’s have been rehearsing “Hark” and are excited to present it to you. It is a Christmas play written by our own Gail Peterson with audience-singing participation. If you haven’t already joined us, all children and their friends, are invited to participate in this fun, festive annual event. Two more rehearsals ahead: December 1 and December 8 – both following the service; New recruits welcome anytime. Please contact me at church or through email if you need more details. – Manju Noone, manju@stjohnsberkeley.org
Choir Sunday: Misa Criolla
December 22, 2024
From 1962-1965, the Second Vatican Council reshaped the Roman Catholic Church in order to apply the truths of Christ to modern times. Ariel Ramírez (1921-2010), an Argentine composer, embraced the notion that the mass should be celebrated in the language of the people. He crafted the traditional Latin mass, translated into Spanish, into a piece that uses the rhythms of Argentina and Bolivia, such as the vidala-baguala of the Kyrie and the carnaval cochabambino in the Sanctus. A musical conversation between a small group of soloists and the choir overlays an instrumental ensemble consisting of guitar, piano, bass, and various percussion instruments. Come to hear our own choir section leader, Shauna Fallihee, singing gorgeous duets with guest Aléxa Sessler, one of the Bay Area’s own fine operatic sopranos.
As an added treat, the choir will be presenting a setting of Philippians 4 by our own baritone member of the choir, John Geist. John describes the piece as more theatrical than choral, though there is plenty of beautiful lyricism in his work to engage listeners. Take advantage of the opportunity to hear this relatively new work. – The Reverend Todd Jolly