Parenting is a joyous and yet difficult task. So many things are changing so quickly, and our children have input from so many different places. In our individualistic culture, parenting can feel like a lonely job. At St. John's, we hope to be a mutually supportive community and to offer a base and ground for family, for spiritual and ethical development of our children.
We begin with the fundamental assumption that we are all children of God, loved unconditionally as we are. We each have unique gifts and are each called to be a part of the community of the people of God. We teach the stories, the great archetypal myths of the bible, and the timeless ethical teachings of Jesus. We also appreciate the gift of fun and rest, and seek fun ways to enjoy each other and grow, both on Sunday and occasional parties or trips.
As with adults, God calls us all, including children to be about more than just ourselves, and to find ways to contribute to a healthy and whole community through good works. We may go to the snow to play, or carve up veggies for our homeless ministry, or go to the beach and help clean. What we and children learn is that there is a reverse blessing that comes from reaching out beyond our personal wants and needs: it makes us feel better about ourselves, it gives us strength and grounds our identity in a community with purpose. Come share this effort and blessing.
- Pastor Max